Happy Thanksgiving
I hope you all had a beautiful, happy, and safe Thanksgiving! I pray that no matter how/when/if you celebrated, you are reminded of all that you have to be thankful for. I pray that if life is tough at the moment, you can see the blessings all around you. Even if it feels like everything is in shambles, you are still alive. You are living and you are breathing.
When you are at your lowest, I pray that you can find a way forward. Day by day. Minute by minute. Continue searching for the good and seeking to learn from the bad. That is something you can do to strengthen your resolve and build the self-confidence that will allow you to find fuel in the hardships and press on to success and fulfillment.
And if life is going really great - amazing! - but remember to be observant and to acknowledge the everyday blessings you encounter. Filling yourself with gratitude can and will spill out on those around you, making your sphere of the world a brighter, more peaceful place.
As we move into the Christmas and Hanukkah season, may we all choose to focus on how much we have to be grateful for. Let’s aim to avoid the stress traps we can get sucked into during this time, and instead arm ourselves with good-seeker glasses to see the good in all of the little things. The joy. The laughter. The excitement.
Here’s to taking the stress out of the holidays and soaking up the beauty of togetherness and the joy of giving (whatever that may look like). And please know, I am truly thankful for you and I wish you abundant peace, love, and joy.