Introducing my newest “baby”

I published my first book on September 26, 2023! It also happened to be my daughter’s birthday. When my team at Brown Books told me the day they were thinking for Publication Day, I laughed out loud. They weren’t sure if it was a good or a bad reaction, so they offered to hear any alternative suggestions. I explained that it was my daughter’s birthday and that while I would have to make sure she was okay with it (she was), I thought it was so fitting to “birth” my first book on my firstborn’s birthday!

So, in lieu of posting hundreds of pictures of my newest “baby”, I thought offering some sneak peeks into the book might be appropriate. My mission is to spread a message of encouragement to as many people as possible, offering guidance, advice, and examples from my experiences to empower each and every reader to unleash success in all that they do. If this is what you’re looking for in your next read, here’s an excerpt from the Introduction. If you know someone who might want to add Faith Over Fear: How to Adopt a Success Mindset to their library, please share this post.

Excerpt from Introduction:

“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.”

—Norman Vincent Peale

Every day, millions of people wonder about success: how to reach it, what it means, what it looks like. Some of the most searched phrases related to success ask if success and happiness are linked, if success can be measured, if it can motivate a person, where it comes from, and what it means.

Based on my experience and observations, success is a mindset. Its definition (or destination) can vary from person to person or subject to subject (i.e., success at work, a successful relationship, personal success), but the common denominator between all types of success is the mindset it takes to achieve it. Unfortunately, as human beings, we seem to have a built-in, default roadblock that can steer us away from success without us even realizing it. In fact, we tend to justify the detour with logic and boost our confidence in the decision to avoid whatever lies beyond it. That detour is a four-letter “F” word that I absolutely despise. Fear.

How to Order

If you’re interested in ordering the book, first, thank you. Second, know that I am committed to donating 10% of net proceeds to non-profit organizations that I hold near and dear to my heart. To learn more about the book, visit To order, visit


Start with Self-Reflection


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